Poetry: Elixir of the Heart by Sharon Ghanny and R.H.Ali

Hey #TeamDeyah!

As you all know, I tend to write things from time to time. This book, “POETRY: ELIXIR OF THE HEART” is an anthology in which a few of my poems are published. These poems were mostly written by me when I was around 11 years old. When the opportunity presented itself to me to have them published, I took it. I do have some more recent ones published as well in this anthology, like the one about my Uncle Don who passed away about 3 years ago. I also have some of my paintings featured throughout this book.

This publication is indeed very special since it includes authors, artists and photographers from all over the world. So much talent is presented in this book!

Poetry- Elixr of the Heart .jpg


The inspiration for Elixir of the Heart started years ago when life threw a few unexpected turns. I found an Inner peace when the pen danced with the paper. I let the words and emotions take its own path, where it lead to beautiful places and happy faces. This book could not be possible without the collaboration of R.H. Ali, who brought some of the most talented poets, models and photographers from all around the beautiful island of Trinidad, West Indies. Every author in this book brings a piece of their cultural heritage and language from as far as Trinidad to Guyana, London to India and New York City to Puerto Rico, Jamaica to Haiti, and Panama to the Philippines. Every page tells a story so surreal that it comes alive. As an added extra this book contains a children section which captures the innocence of young artist, painters and poets from the tender age of 6 to 10.

Come sail on a voyage or travel down memory lane…where paths lead to trails and rivers flow to oceans. Where nights are filled with joy and laughter and days are filled with excitement and adventures. Photography so alive, so breathtaking that they leap from every page. Each poem tells a story, every story tells a volume one which peaks your interest to finding more hidden secrets. When you finally think you know where the words will lead you, a last it becomes a twist. The added surprise in this book is the works of the children of tomorrow. You see and read their innocence. Writing about their puppy or baking a cake, creating a class painting or a simply smile that would lighten up your face. So begin your journey, stare at a photo or sit by the ocean and soak up the sun. Wherever the book takes you…it will be most adventurous.

If you guys get the opportunity to purchase and read this book, your reviews will be greatly appreciated!



Radeyah xo


Be sure to order the “FIGHTING CHANCE” Anthology and check out my poem “BREAKING FREE” which is published in it!!

Fighting Chance Front CoverWhile I didn’t personally experience Domestic Violence, I strongly support this cause and I hope that my poem gives even one person suffering from this type of abuse some hope and reassurance that they can overcome their circumstances and gives them the courage to find their voice and fight back! ❤

ALL PROCEEDS from this book will go towards The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence!

On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. this equates to more than 10 million women and men per year. Domestic violence isn’t just about being physically abused. It’s also about the emotional and psychological side, too. Come on a journey with others who have experienced domestic violence and are willing to share their stories, to show everyone else out there that they have a chance. Fighting Chance is a book of stories and poetry for those who have dealt with domestic violence and are sharing how they stood up to it and have moved on with their life. It wasn’t easy for most of us. And some of us still may struggle with it, but we want to reach out to others who may be going through something similar and let them know you don’t have to put up with it. Find your voice and fight back.

Purchase FIGHTING CHANCE on Amazon.



Radeyah a.k.a. R.H.Ali 



Blood Moon ebook live!

I’m so excited to announce that Blood Moon is now live on Amazon and Smashwords in ebook format! 

This is my fourth book as a contributing author and it would mean so much to me if you supported it! 

My story, “The World of Magifidad” traces a young girl named Adara who chases her one true dream — to find her parents after years of being in a children’s home. Will she? 

Blood Moon, Anthologies of the Heart Compiled by Mary Blowers
Blood Moon, Anthologies of the Heart Compiled by Mary Blowers

This Anthology was complied by Mary Blowers–thanks Mary! 

Congratulations to all the other authors published in this Anthology! You can see a listing of all the authors here.

Thank you for your support everyone!

Blood Moon Anthology


The Blood Moon Anthology ebook will be released on SATURDAY 25th April 2015!!

Here’s the blurb:

Blood Moon is the second volume in the Anthology of the Heart series. Mary Blowers has once again pulled together authors from all over the globe to create a life-changing read.

Blowers has written and published several books including Filled With the Holy Spirit; The Prophecy of Enchantria; and Fatigue: When Waking Up is Hard to Do, as well as her first anthology, Where Dreams and Visions Live. She is a freelance writer and editor.

12 Authors, some never before published, wrote on the subject of Transformation. Blood Moon is a multi-faceted title referring to the three blood moons that have already occurred and one to come later this year. What transformation have they been a part of and what changes are yet to come? Is it the end times? No one will know until the day and the hour that He appears. Jewish teaching states that blood moons on Jewish feast days predict major events. Time will tell if it will be true this time. The blood moon phenomenon itself is an intense transformation that baffled and frightened people of the distant past, and possibly in some regions even today.

In the meantime, enjoy these 12 stories about Transformation. Change is often helpful, and always interesting.

See the full listing of the contributing authors here.

Blood Moon, An Anthology
Blood Moon, An Anthology

Blood Moon Anthology

I am excited to announce that the Anthology, BLOOD MOON, which is compiled by Mary Blowers is nearly ready for release, and should be out this week!

Look out for it!

The contributing authors include:
* R. H. Ali
* Stewart Bint
* Peter Bouchier
* Wendy Janes
* Robin E. Mason
* Dash McCallen
* Tiago Mota
* Timothy Trimble
* Erik van Mechelen
* Jacklon Michelle Wright
* Vanessa Wright

Amazon and Goodreads links will be posted as soon as they go live!

Here’s the awesome cover!
We’d love to hear from you! Let us know what you think about it!


Blood Moon, An Anthology
Blood Moon, An Anthology