Poetry: Elixir of the Heart by Sharon Ghanny and R.H.Ali

Hey #TeamDeyah!

As you all know, I tend to write things from time to time. This book, “POETRY: ELIXIR OF THE HEART” is an anthology in which a few of my poems are published. These poems were mostly written by me when I was around 11 years old. When the opportunity presented itself to me to have them published, I took it. I do have some more recent ones published as well in this anthology, like the one about my Uncle Don who passed away about 3 years ago. I also have some of my paintings featured throughout this book.

This publication is indeed very special since it includes authors, artists and photographers from all over the world. So much talent is presented in this book!

Poetry- Elixr of the Heart .jpg


The inspiration for Elixir of the Heart started years ago when life threw a few unexpected turns. I found an Inner peace when the pen danced with the paper. I let the words and emotions take its own path, where it lead to beautiful places and happy faces. This book could not be possible without the collaboration of R.H. Ali, who brought some of the most talented poets, models and photographers from all around the beautiful island of Trinidad, West Indies. Every author in this book brings a piece of their cultural heritage and language from as far as Trinidad to Guyana, London to India and New York City to Puerto Rico, Jamaica to Haiti, and Panama to the Philippines. Every page tells a story so surreal that it comes alive. As an added extra this book contains a children section which captures the innocence of young artist, painters and poets from the tender age of 6 to 10.

Come sail on a voyage or travel down memory lane…where paths lead to trails and rivers flow to oceans. Where nights are filled with joy and laughter and days are filled with excitement and adventures. Photography so alive, so breathtaking that they leap from every page. Each poem tells a story, every story tells a volume one which peaks your interest to finding more hidden secrets. When you finally think you know where the words will lead you, a last it becomes a twist. The added surprise in this book is the works of the children of tomorrow. You see and read their innocence. Writing about their puppy or baking a cake, creating a class painting or a simply smile that would lighten up your face. So begin your journey, stare at a photo or sit by the ocean and soak up the sun. Wherever the book takes you…it will be most adventurous.

If you guys get the opportunity to purchase and read this book, your reviews will be greatly appreciated!



Radeyah xo

Religious Instruction Session with Students of Tabaquite Secondary School

Religious Instruction Session with Students of Tabaquite Secondary School

Date: Thursday 16th June 2016

Delivered by: Radeyah H. Ali a.k.a. R.H. Ali

Venue: Tabaquite Secondary School, Trinidad and Tobago

Occasion: Religious Instruction General Assembly

Audience: Forms 1 and 2 Students

Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers, Ancillary Staff, and students, AsalaaamuAlaaikum wa ramatalaahi wa barakatu, may the peace and blessings of Almighty God be with you all.

It brings me great joy to be with you all today. Just looking at your beautiful faces brings me back to a time when I, myself was a part of a general assembly at high school. In some ways, that time of my life seems like a lifetime ago, and in other ways it seems like just yesterday. This is how life is. One day we’re convinced that school will go on forever and the next, we’re wishing that our school days could return! I’m sure you’ve heard this countless times now, and it probably doesn’t seem like it now, but these are the days you will remember forever. You will remember the simplicity of coming to school, being taught and then being examined on what you were taught – most times anyway. I say to you – enjoy it fully.

Today I am here to talk to you a little bit about the Holy month of Ramadan and what it means for Muslims.

Do we have any students who are fasting today?

Okay, so hopefully I can shed some light on what fasting is about.

While I speak about the Holy month of Ramadan, I would be simultaneously speaking about five things that I want you to take away from my address this morning. They are:

  1. Be God conscious.
  2. Be patient.
  3. Have your own identity.
  4. Spread love not hate.
  5. Believe in yourself.

I’ll start by saying that there are five pillars of Islam and they are 1. Imaan or faith; 2. Salaat or prayer; 3. Saum or fasting; 4. Zakaat or Charity; and 5. Hajj or the pilgrimage to Mecca.

Thus, fasting is one of the pillars of Islam. We are currently in the middle of the Holy month of Ramadan in which Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset. God says in Surah Al-Baqra Ayaat 183, that fasting is prescribed for us as it has been prescribed for those before us so that we may become pious. Fasting is compulsory or mandatory for all Muslims who have attained the age of puberty.

During the Holy month of Ramadan, Muslims wake before dawn for suhoor where we have a light meal as breakfast before we commence the fast for the day until sunset when we break our fast.

A lot of the times people often mistake fasting in the month of Ramadan for starving themselves or a good way to finally loose some unnecessary weight – but I assure you, it is neither of those things!

So, fasting does not only mean staying away from food and drink, but it refers to abstinence from bad thoughts and actions and ensures that we remain God conscious throughout our days. This month is a training period for the entire year. It is a month where we are able and encouraged to be the best that we can be so that we will get into the habit of this behaviour so that we can carry it through the entire year.

This is where the first thing I want you all to remember comes in – be God conscious. It does not matter to me the name by which you call God. God is God. If you are constantly aware of a Higher Being, who is able to see and hear you at all times, your entire personality and demeanor changes. I like to use the metaphor of a video camera to put things into perspective. Imagine – there is a video camera recording you 24 hours of the day – how would you act? Would you act differently than you usually do? Wouldn’t you want to ensure that everything that the camera captures is good? Yes. We would ensure that our behaviour is immaculate and we are seen as the best that we can be.

Now, imagine that the person viewing the footage from that camera is God, and that He has an unlimited subscription to our lives.

You see, when we become more God conscious, and we are constantly aware that God is watching us, we become better people. We begin to do more of the right things and less and less of the bad things. We begin to clean our rooms, like our parents and guardians ask, we begin to wash the dishes after we use them, we begin to give the beggar on the street some of the little money that we have, we begin to improve our lives because God is watching us.

As Muslims, the Holy month of Ramadan increases our Imaan or faith which is directly linked to how conscious we are of God.

So being God conscious is the first thing I want you to take from today.

Basically then, the Holy month of Ramadan shapes us into the people that we want to be over the next year. It sets the pace for us to be patient, kind, and do good deeds all year through.

So you know how everyone likes to say that Christmas time is the happiest time of the year? Well for Muslims, the Holy month of Ramadan is like the happiest time of our year! It becomes enjoyable for us to continuously make ourselves better than we were the year before and open up ourselves to new and greater challenges to overcome.

I know that we all struggle a whole lot with patience or as we say in Arabic, sabr. The adage goes – patience is a virtue, right? – but honestly it’s a virtue that some of us just don’t have enough of. In Islam, we believe that patience is the key to overcoming any obstacle – our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w. / peace be unto him) was the most patient man that ever existed. In Surah Al-Anfal 8 verse 46, of the Holy Quran, God says “…be patient. For Allah is with the patient ones.”

Now, be honest, do any of you get impatient really quickly?

Yep, I see some guilty faces in the audience. It is indeed a challenge, but one that we can overcome if we really try.

The key is to remember that nothing comes to us that is not for us and that God has a plan for us all. If we accept our struggles and trust and have faith that God will see us through, we automatically have fought half of the battle. If we view every hardship and struggle as a blessing – as an opportunity to become stronger people, then we already have a positive outlook on the issue and we are then in a better place to overcome it. Thus, no hardship, or struggle can make us impatient because we know that God will see us through.

The Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w. / peace be upon him) said: “How remarkable is the case of the believer! There is good for him in everything, but this is not the case for anyone except for the believer. When the believer receives any good, he is thankful to Allah, and gets a reward. And when some misfortune befalls him, he endures it patiently, for which he is (also) rewarded”.

So be patient. This is the second thing I want you to take away today.

The third thing I want you to take away, is to always have your own identity.

In this day and age it is crucial that as young adults you build your own sense of self. I urge you to never allow the media to dictate to you what to believe. In a perfect world, the media is supposed to be unbiased, but in reality, it rarely ever is. It is essential that you read as much as you can on all topics so that you can form opinions about the world that are your own. Do not be dependent on others to tell you what to believe or who you are.

You are being educated. You have the opportunity and the resources in front of you to think critically and to use the system to your advantage. Take every opportunity that comes your way.

At your age, you are still figuring out who you are. You are at that stage where the people around you can influence you greatly. I urge you to keep good company.

Also, you should know that if you don’t exactly “fit in” with the crowd, it is perfectly okay. You don’t have to follow the latest trends, you don’t have to do things you don’t want to or that you are not comfortable doing. You can say no, and you can be yourself. It may be difficult if you feel as though you aren’t “cool” but your older self will thank you for staying true to yourself. Don’t just go with the crowd, but if need be, forge your own path.

So that sums up my third message to you this morning – have your own identity.

So we just have two more messages remaining —

The fourth one is to spread love not hate.

You know they say, that you can’t fight fire with fire? Well it’s the same with hate. You can never overcome hate with hate. You need to show compassion and love in order to fight the hate. I have a story about the beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w. / peace be upon him).

At the time when he was delivering the message of Islam, one old lady got into the habit of throwing rubbish at him when he passed her house and he had to pass it everyday on his way to the Mosque. Even when the old woman threw rubbish on him, he would pass silently without showing any anger or annoyance. This was a regular, daily event.

One day when the Prophet was passing by, the old woman was not there to throw the rubbish on him. He stopped, and asked the neighbour about her well-being, as he wondered why she wasn’t throwing any rubbish on him.

The neighbour informed the Prophet that the old woman had become sick and she was on bed rest. The Prophet politely asked permission to visit the woman. When allowed, he entered the house, and the old woman thought that he had come there to take his revenge when she was unable to defend herself because of her sickness.
But the Prophet (s.a.w. / peace be unto him) assured her that he had come to her, not to take any revenge, but to see her and to look after her needs, as it was the command of Allah that if any one is sick, a Muslim should visit him and should help him if his help is needed.

The old woman was greatly moved by this kindness and love, of the Prophet. By the example of greatness of Muhammad, she understood that he was truly the Prophet of God and she saw the beauty of Islam. She then accepted Islam as her own way of life.

This story shows us the huge impact of responding with love to hateful acts and comments. We ought to strive to spread more love so that we can obliterate the hate.

In today’s worldwide social and political climate, Muslims are painted as certain types of people. I know this to be false and as a result, I have launched a social media campaign called #IAmMuslimAndI which aims to show that Muslims are regular people who want regular things like peace, equity, love, success and a good life. In the campaign, I humbly ask for Muslims to post on social media with the hashtag #IAmMuslimAndI and state something they love to do or something positive that they believe.

I also humbly ask non-Muslims who want to support this campaign to post on social media with the hashtag #IAmNotMuslimBut and something positive that they genuinely believe about Muslims and Islam. If you want to read more about it you can find the Page on Facebook, it’s called I Am Muslim And I. If you read about it and like it, and you decide to support, it would really mean a lot to me. It’s a very small step to reducing Islamophobia but it is still a step nonetheless, and it is my small way of spreading love and not hate.

So that was the fourth thing that I want you to remember: spread more love and less hate.

Fifthly, and lastly, I want to emplore you all to always always believe in yourselves. It may be totally cliched, but I cannot emphasize its importance enough. If you believe in yourself and trust your abilities, you can make anything a relaity. You have the power within you and all you need is the belief that you can do it, coupled with hard work and determination and you will see the fruits of what you sow.

How many of you know of Malala Yousafzai?

Good. She has made it her life’s missions to fight for girls to be educated. She quoted a heartbreaking figure 32 million girls who are missing out on the first three years of secondary education.

Imagine that. And here all of you are. You all are given the opportunity to gain an education and as it stands, a free education too. In other parts of the world children aren’t as lucky as you are. Think about it. Don’t waste the opportunities that you have.

Use every opportunity you have to further your goals and become who you want to be.

When you believe in yourself, anything is possible. This quote by Stacy London really sums it up. She says: “Don’t let fear or insecurity stop you from trying new things. Believe in yourself. Do what you love. And most importantly, be kind to others, even if you don’t like them.”

So this was the fifth thing I want you to take away from this morning: believe in yourself.

So today we talked a little bit about Ramadan and what it means for muslims. As we did that, I left you with five things I want you to remember from my talk with you today.

To recap, the five things are:

  1. Be God conscious.
  2. Be patient.
  3. Have your own identity.
  4. Spread love not hate.
  5. Believe in yourself.

I hope that this was beneficial to you all and I thank you for being such a gracious audience. Thank you for having me.

I wish each of you every success in all of your endeavours and may you all grow into brilliant contributing adults in our country.

As I end, I leave you with this quote by Leah LaBelle:

“Work hard for what you want because it won’t come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive.”

I will end with the greeting that Muslims use during the month of Ramadan – that is – Ramadan Mubarak!

For your time, I thank you.


Be sure to order the “FIGHTING CHANCE” Anthology and check out my poem “BREAKING FREE” which is published in it!!

Fighting Chance Front CoverWhile I didn’t personally experience Domestic Violence, I strongly support this cause and I hope that my poem gives even one person suffering from this type of abuse some hope and reassurance that they can overcome their circumstances and gives them the courage to find their voice and fight back! ❤

ALL PROCEEDS from this book will go towards The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence!

On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. this equates to more than 10 million women and men per year. Domestic violence isn’t just about being physically abused. It’s also about the emotional and psychological side, too. Come on a journey with others who have experienced domestic violence and are willing to share their stories, to show everyone else out there that they have a chance. Fighting Chance is a book of stories and poetry for those who have dealt with domestic violence and are sharing how they stood up to it and have moved on with their life. It wasn’t easy for most of us. And some of us still may struggle with it, but we want to reach out to others who may be going through something similar and let them know you don’t have to put up with it. Find your voice and fight back.

Purchase FIGHTING CHANCE on Amazon.



Radeyah a.k.a. R.H.Ali 



April | Book Haul

Hi guys!

Here’s my April Book Haul!! Thanks for watching!!

Did you like this video? If so, don’t forget to hit that thumbs up button and subscribe to my channel so you wouldn’t miss my videos!

I’d love to hear from you! Comment below and let me know what you thought about this video and what you thought about these books if you’ve already read them!

Also, I’m always looking for new books to get into, so I’d love if you sent your recommendations my way!

Connect with me on any social media!!
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Instagram: @ExploringBooks2.0
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Blood Moon ebook live!

I’m so excited to announce that Blood Moon is now live on Amazon and Smashwords in ebook format! 

This is my fourth book as a contributing author and it would mean so much to me if you supported it! 

My story, “The World of Magifidad” traces a young girl named Adara who chases her one true dream — to find her parents after years of being in a children’s home. Will she? 

Blood Moon, Anthologies of the Heart Compiled by Mary Blowers
Blood Moon, Anthologies of the Heart Compiled by Mary Blowers

This Anthology was complied by Mary Blowers–thanks Mary! 

Congratulations to all the other authors published in this Anthology! You can see a listing of all the authors here.

Thank you for your support everyone!

Blood Moon Anthology

I am excited to announce that the Anthology, BLOOD MOON, which is compiled by Mary Blowers is nearly ready for release, and should be out this week!

Look out for it!

The contributing authors include:
* R. H. Ali
* Stewart Bint
* Peter Bouchier
* Wendy Janes
* Robin E. Mason
* Dash McCallen
* Tiago Mota
* Timothy Trimble
* Erik van Mechelen
* Jacklon Michelle Wright
* Vanessa Wright

Amazon and Goodreads links will be posted as soon as they go live!

Here’s the awesome cover!
We’d love to hear from you! Let us know what you think about it!


Blood Moon, An Anthology
Blood Moon, An Anthology